Life Embers



~99 cents a min for my first week back!~

After a long, very long, break I AM BACK and have been working hard to be better than ever! I really missed you all and I hope all my little embers are burning brightly and manifesting all the positivity they have ever dreamed to have!

I believe laughter is truly the best medicine. I sense things about people and have been doing so for quite some time. I enjoy helping people and put my best foot forward to do so. Listening is a strong suit of mine, and if that is all you need, by all means, vent away. If you would rather feel out a connection with me before being charged, there is an introductory period for this purpose. After the introductory period we will agree on payment. After several not so great experiences I am going to have to stop being so generous with my intro period and start charging people up front or as we go to protect myself and my energy. I hope everyone can understand that. Thanks! All my love!


Treasure the Free Intro you are gifted and use it well while it is available but don’t take advantage! I am a very giving loving person, but the days of letting people abuse my gift are gone. You will be paying for your reading as you receive it unless a price is agreed upon before hand. Thank you for understanding!

My entire childhood.. I felt things.. saw things.. heard things.. and was often looked at strange when I reacted to them.. or discussed them. I eventually just stopped talking about them and kept to myself. Being a southern girl in the middle of the bible belt.. those just weren’t things you researched or discussed (openly).

August 8th 2005 my entire life changed. My fiancĂ©e and I were in a car accident and he lost his life. From there I blocked everything and everyone and every skill I had grown used to because I couldn’t handle it. It took me about 7 years to re-accept my gifts and put them back into practice and I have been going strong ever since.

It took a lot of work.. a lot of patience and a lot of meditation to get my mind and life to a peaceful place where I could look outside myself.. and outside situations to see what was coming and what options I had. Without even realizing it I started doing it with friends when they would ask me questions about certain aspects of their life or certain situations.

I was spending a lot of time outside of my normal everyday job online.. broadcasting my music.. broadcasting with friends I’d made on the broadcasting sites.. and realized I was also doing the same with/for them and finally figured.. Hey.. why not.. I can help people… there are people that may need me.. I want to be there for them..

So…. Here I am… to help you… to pick you up when you are feeling down… to talk to you when you need some advice… to listen when you just need to vent.. here I am.

I do my very best to be fair with everyone, and I do my very best to leave people happy.. even if they receive answers they didn’t want. I refuse to lie and sugarcoat things, or tell you just what you want to hear. I pride myself on my honesty. I will openly admit when I am wrong, or when I have gotten something mixed up in translation.

Since my last time working on this site, so so very much has changed in my life. I am no longer in the fields of work that I was in. In fact I added an entirely different occupation to that list only to leave it behind for now and have had much more time to hone certain skills and continue to study and do so as we are all on this journey.

Yes like many others I need the income.. but I don’t need it bad enough to take advantage of people, or tell them lies that won’t come to pass.

Yes I charge here.. as I must … but you will see that my prices are low and fair.. and that you will get much more than what your money pays for.

Come have a chat with me. The intro period is free and can be extended if needed until you feel comfortable authorizing a transaction to take place. Hope to chat with you soon!

life_embers's photo


Media: Audio Call,

Local Time: (GMT-06:00) June 02, 2024, 06:04PM


Last seen: more than a month ago

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CloseClients reviews:


51 Reviews: 49 Excellent 2 Satisfactory 0 Unsatisfactory

14 Sep 2014 excellent ranking tyannbeck

Picked up on the situation very well!! 5 stars helped me out a lot and was very generous with her time will be back for an update soon.!!

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